English season 2 : 9th Chapter "Bigger is not always better" Degrees of Comparison

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
How was your life dear? I wish your life always happy, healthy, and feeling grateful every time. Today we are still in pandemic Covid situation, don't be worry about this pandemic, keep our distance, wash our hands, use face shiled or mask, consume vitamins and nutritious food. In this season, we are going to learn chapter 9 the topic is "Bigger is not always better" degrees of comparison. I also posted the video explanation please watch and learn it carefully. You need to take some notes to makes you remember the material. I think the material is not difficult enough for you as long as you learn diligently and study hard. Don't be lazy to read and to learn. Your effort is influence your score, your intelligence is depends on your what you do right now. Please obey our school rules and just be focus on your duties as a student. Don't think too much about unimportant things in your life. Before we learn English, lets pray to the God first, bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

Basic competence
3.9 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait perbandingan jumlah dan sifat orang, binatang, benda, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya (perhatikan unsure kebahasaan degree of comparison)
4.9 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait perbandingan jumlah dan sifat orang, binatang, benda, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsure kebahasaan yang benar sesuai konteks.

Learning objectives
In the end of learning the students are able to:
1. Identify adjectives
2. Identify the differentiation between 2 or more things
3. compare 2 or more things using positive, comparative or superlative degree

Degrees of comparison used to compare 2 or more things, it is focus on adjectives or in Bahasa Indonesia Degrees comparison digunakan untuk membandingkan 2 atau lebih benda dan fokus pada kata sifat

Kinds of Degrees of Comparison (Jenis Tingkat Perbandingan)
Positive (sama dengan)
Comparative (Lebih dari)
superlative (Paling)




Adjective 1 syllable (Kata sifat 1 suku kata) 


Adjective 2 syllable (Kata sifat 2 Suku kata)


Adjective 3 or more syllable (Kata sifat 3 atau lebih suku kata) 


The dialog example positive degree 1 syllable
Nasya: Hi Nadia, Do you know sugar and honey? what do you think about them? (Hi Nadia, apakah kamu tahu gula dan madu? apa yang kamu pikirkan?)
Nadia: I think sugar is as sweet as honey. I like them so much (Saya berfikir gula sama manisnya dengan madu.saya sangat menyukainya)

The dialog example positive degree 2 or more syllable.
Dea : Hi Sisca, what is your opinion about Justin bieber and Shawn Mendes? (Hai Sisca, apa pendapatmu tentan Justin bieber dan Shawn Mendes?)
Sisca: In my opinion Justin Bieber is as handsome as Shawn Mendes. I like their voice. (Menurut pendapat saya Justin Bieber sama tampannya dengan Shawn Mendes, saya suka suara mereka)

The dialog example comparative degree 1 syllable

Nadiah: Hi Naura, what do you think about elephant and horse?  (Hi naura, apa yang kamu pikirkan tentang gajah dan kuda?)
Naura: I think elephant is bigger than horse but horse is faster than elephant. (Saya berpikir gajah lebih besar dari kuda, tetapi kuda lebih cepat daripada gajah)

The dialog example comparative degree 2 or more syllable

Junas : Which one do you like? live in the small village or in a big city?  (Yang mana yang kamu suka, tinggal didesa kecil atau di sebuah kota besar?)
Jojo : I like live in a small village because I think live in small village is more comfortable than in a big city. (Saya suka tinggal di sebuah desa kecil karena saya berfikir desa kecil lebih nyaman daripada dikota besar)

The dialog example superlative degree 1 syllable
Jihan :Hi Dinda, do you know Nile river in Africa? (Hai Dinda, apakah kamu tau sungai Nil di Afrika?)
Dinda : Yeah, I know it, it is the longest river in the world! (Ya saya tahu, itu sungai terpanjang di dunia)

The dialog example Superlative degree 2 or more syllable
Rachele : Who is Agnes Monica? (Siapa Agnes Monica?)
Mia : She is the most famous singer in Indonesia (Dia adalah penyanyi paling terkenal di Indonesia)



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