English 10th Meeting : Invitation and Instructrion or Command (Kalimat mengundang/mengajak dan kalimat perintah)

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Hallo students? How are you today?Stay healthy and stay happy yaa. Keep your spirit to learn English with me, Mrs. Wiwik. How about your mid semester test? Is it difficult for you or easy? and how about your score? is it good? or you need some evaluation to improve your English?
The result or the score is important but, the process is the most crucial at all
In this session, I'll posted the English material for you, chapter 4, please read carefully and write the material in your English note. You may contact my WatsApp number if you do not understand the material or you want to ask me some questions. Okay, before we start our online lesson today, its better for us to pray to Allah first, pray begin ..... finish!

Basic Competence
3.4 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menyuruh, mengajak, meminta ijin, serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.4 menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan menyuruh, mengajak, meminta ijin, dan menanggapinya dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Learning Objectives
In the end of learning students are able to:
  1. Identify the generic structure, social function and language feature the expression of instruction, invitation and permission
  2. Identify verbs used in expressions
  3. Write the instruction to others to do something
  4. Invite someone to do something and determine its response
  5. Asking and giving permission to someone
INVITATION IS THE EXPRESSION TO INVITE SOMEONE TO DO SOMETHING or INVITE SOMEONE TO JOIN THE ACTIVITY (Ungkapan yang digunakan untuk mengajak atau mengundang seseorang untuk melakukan suatu tindakan, seperti menghadiri sebuah acara, ajakan bermain bola bersama, ajakan untuk bepergian/liburan, ajakan/undangan untuk makan bersama dll)
You can see the video related to the material inviting someone to do something

Would you like to + Verb
Would you like to come to my house? 
(Maukah kamu datang kerumahku?)
Would you like to play football with me?
(Maukah kamu bermain bola denganku?)

Let's + Verb
Let's walk together to my house.
(Mari berjalan bersama-sama kerumahku)
Let's join mathematics club.
(Mari bergabung klub matematika)

ACCEPTING INVITATION (Menerima undangan/ Ajakan)
That's very kind of you 
(Kamu sangat baik sekali)
Thank you very much for inviting me 
(Terimakasih banyak telah mengundangku)
It's a good idea. I will come 
(Itu ide yang sangat bagus, saya akan datang)
OK, I'll be there
(Oke, saya akan kesana)
Sure, I'd love to 
(Pasti, saya menyukainya)
Alright, I will come
 (Tentu, saya akan datang)

DECLINING INVITATION (Menolak undangan/ ajakan)
I am sorry, I don't think I can go 
(Maafkan saya, sepertinya saya tidak bisa pergi)
I'd love to but,... 
(Saya menyukainya, tetapi....)
I am sorry, I am very busy 
(Maafkan saya, saya sangat sibuk)
I am sorry, maybe next time 
(Maafkan saya, mungkin lain kali)
Thank you for inviting me, but I can't come 
(Terimakasih telah mengundang saya tetapi saya tidak bisa datang)

Kate: Hi, Mia how are you?
Mia: Hello, I am good and you?
Kate: I am fine thanks. Mia, Tomorrow, I and my friend will visit Islamic Center in Indramayu City, West Java. Would you like to join us?
Mia: That's very kind of you. It would be interesting. Thanks for inviting me
Kate: Ok, you're welcome. 
Instruction or command is the expression to makes other people do the activity. It uses verb (Instruction atau command adalah kalimat perintah, atau ungkapan yang digunakan untuk membuat orang lain melakukan suatu tindakan/ menyuruh orang lain untuk melakukan sesuatu)
You can see the video related to the material giving instruction or command to others


  INSTRUCTION or COMMAND (Kalimat Instruksi atau Perintah/ kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyuruh orang lain melakukan suatu tindakan)
Use Verb as imperative (Diawali kata kerja sebagai kalimat perintah)
Open the door please!
(Tolong buka pintu)
Wash your hands please!
(Cucilah tanganmu)
Eat the cake please!
(Makanlah kue)
Return my laptop please!
(Kembalikan laptop saya)
Turn off the lamp please!
(Matikan lampu, tolong)

Use be + Adjective (Menggunakan "be" + kata sifat sebagai kalimat perintah)
Be careful Please!
Be brave please!
(Jadilah berani)
Be a good student please!
(Jadilah siswa yang baik)

Dialog 1
Mr. Jack : Ron, the room is hot, turn on Air-conditioner please!
Jack : Okay sir
Dialog 2
Mom: Din, where will you go?
Dina: I will go to Nasya's house
Mom: Be careful Din, come back home on time.
Dialog 3
Jenny: Lisa, do you remember our homework?
Lisa: Yes of course on page 150-152. Don't forget to submit it tomorrow
Jenny: Okay thank you.


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