Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Hello my beloved students of SMPN 1 Anjatan? How was your day? I wish your days filled with blessings, happiness and joy. Here, I have English material for you Chapter 3 suggestion and obligation. Please read the material carefully and you must write the important information in your English book. I also posted video related to the material, watch it until the end. Prepare your book and pen before studying. You may open online dictionary or google translete if you do not understand the meaning in Indonesia. Keep yor spirit, your struggle because there is no bright future if there is no effort. Before we study Lets prat to Allah, pray begin.... finish.

3.3 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keharusan, larangan, dan himbauan, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan must, should).
4.3 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait keharusan, larangan, dan himbauan, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Learning Objectives
In The End of Learning, The Students are able to:
  1. Identify the generic structure and language feature the expression of asking and giving suggestion, prohibition and obligation
  2. Identify the verbs used in expression
  3. Write suggestion based on situation
  4. Write prohibition based on situation
  5. Write obligation based on situation
Suggestion (Saran/Nasehat bersifat tidak wajib/mengikat bisa dilakukan bisa tidak) use modal "should"

Asking suggestion (Meminta saran)
Asking Suggestion is the expression to ask someone suggestion/ advice or recommendation. The expression of asking suggestion are:
(What + should + Subject + Verb + ?)
  1. What should I do?
    (Apa yang seharusnya saya lakukan?)
  2. What should she do?
    (Apa yang seharusnya dia (perempuan) lakukan?)
(Should + Subject + Verb + ?)
  1. Should I eat the cake?
    (Haruskah saya makan kue?)
  2. Should he ruin the laptop?
    (Haruskah dia (laki-laki) merusak laptop?)
Giving Suggestion (Memberikan Saran) use modal "should or should not/shouldn't

Giving suggestion is the expression to state/ to share our suggestion, advice or recommendation based on topic or issues. The expression of giving suggestion are:
(Subject + Should/ shouldn't + Verb 1)

Situation : "Shinta has magh chronic, she is hospitalized"
(Shinta punya magh kronis, dia dirawat dirumah sakit)
Suggestion :"Shinta should eat nutritious food regularly. She should not forget to eat"
(Shinta harus makan makanan bergizi secara teratur. Dia tidak seharusnya melupakan makan)

Situation: "It will rain today, I will go to school"
Suggestion: "you should bring umbrella or raincoat"

Situation:"I don't understand its meaning in Indonesian. I am confuse"
Suggestion: "You should open your English Dictionary. You should not be confuse"

PROHIBITION (Kalimat Larangan)
Use Don't/ do not  + be + Adjective (menggunakan "don't/ do not + be + Kata Sifat sebagai kalimat perintah)
Don't be noise please!
(Tolong jangan berisik)
Don't be shy please!
(Tolong jangan malu)

Use Don't/ do nor + Verb (Menggunakan "don't/ do not  + kata kerja sebagai kalimat perintah)
Don't open the door please!
(Tolong jangan buka pintu)
Don't sleep in the classroom!
(Tolong jangan tidur dikelas)
Do not bring the meals into the library!
(Jangan membawa makanan kedalam perpustakaan)
Do not wear casual clothes to school!.
(Jangan memakai baju bebas ke sekolah)

Obligation (Kewajiban/ wajib dilakukan bersifat mengikat dan memaksa) use modal "must or have to"

Asking Obligation (Menanyakan kewajiban/keharusan) 
The expression of asking obligation are:
(What + must / have to + Subject + Verb + ?)

  1. What must I do?
    (Apa yang harus saya lakukan?)
  2. What must she do?
    (Apa yang harus dia (perempuan) lakukan?)
  3. What is his obligation?
    (Apa kewajiban dia?)

Stating/ Giving obligation (Menyebutkan kewajiban)
Subject + Must/mustn't + Verb 1

Situation: What is the obligation as the students?
(Apa kewajiban sebagai seorang siswa?)
Obligation: The students must obey the school rules.
(Siswa harus mematuhi tata tertib sekolah)

Situation : What must I do in the morning?
Obligation: You must wake up at 5 in the morning, you must tidy up your room. You musn't wake up late


The Differentiation Between Suggestion and Obligation
What Should I do?
You should study hard. You shouldn’t play a game
You will do the suggestion or not is up to you

(Saran boleh dilakukan atau  tidak/ opsional)
Should I sleep early tonight
Yes of course, you should sleep early because tomorrow you will have a test.
What must I do?
You must use helmet when you ride a motorcycle
You must do the obligation, if you don’t you will get the consequences

(Wajib dilakukan apabila tidak, akan mendapatkan konsekuensi/hukuman)
What is students obligation?
The students must study hard


Sean : Hi Paul, how was your feeling today?
Paul : I am not feeling good.
Sean : Why, what happen with you, you look so painfull
Paul : I get tootache
Sean : Really? You should go to dentist right now. You shouldn't eat candy
Paul : Thanks for your suggestion.

Nasya: Hi Laura, do you know our school uniform rules. I am new students here.
Laura: on Monday and Tuesday, We must wear white shirt and blue skirt. On, Wednesday and Thursday we must wear Batik shirt,on Friday we must wear Moslem uniform, on saturday we must wear scout uniform. We must use black shoes and white shocks too. Don't forget.
Nasya: Thanks a lot Laura

Please doing this exercises, I will take your score!!

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